Mirage Source

Displaying Graphics
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Author:  Liz [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

@DFA - Don't spend too much time on this yet (unless you want to have both dx7 and 8 versions), I'm coding a Dx8 variant. Currently in the SVN it's still Dx7, changes'll probably appear tomorrow sometime.

Author:  Lea [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

Liz is doing it in a branch, we'll review and merge if we like it =3

Author:  Lea [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

Um, DFA... Dugor is using the svn repos...

It's your changes that wont be in MS4... unless you use the repos ;)

Author:  GIAKEN [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

Lea I think you're trying to take over this project or make your own :?

Author:  Matt [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

Lea wrote:
Um, DFA... Dugor is using the svn repos...

It's your changes that wont be in MS4... unless you use the repos ;)

DFA started this, and now you're attempting to cut him out of it cause he doesn't wanna use what YOU set up.

Kinda stupid and exactly why community projects always fail.

Author:  grimsk8ter11 [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

Actually community projects usually fail because they are closed off to a group of people. This is the only one readily accessible to the whole community and the SVN provides a way for it to be handled. DFA seems to be wanting to do the project solo with Dugor, which doesnt make this a community project, it makes it DFA and Dugors lets update MSE some more project. SVN allows everyone to show what they have to offer, and then have it easily compiled in to one thing.

If DFA didn't wish for someone to take the initiative to make the project declared a community project more readily accessible to the community, then it should not of been made or stated as a community project.

It's like a community library that says, "You can take, you can see, but you can't add only we can." Then you are defeating the purpose of the community library where people bring what they have that may be interesting for other people, or allowing them to bring it, but providing no way for it to be integrated.

And from what I can see everyone but DFA is willing to use SVN. Im not coming at DFA, but something should be set for everyone to contribute if thats what your asking people to do. The tutorials also become outdated at a rapid rate early in development so it should be made known that they are redundant as of now.

Also from my professional experience in "the real world" SVN gets things done and handled very well with large groups of people. It shouldnt be controlled by one person though, unless its under "corporate control". So would it alleviate your worries Perfeckt if it was run by William so it could be "official" and permissions given out accordingly?

Author:  GIAKEN [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

But it's DFA's project he can decide what he wants to do with it and whatever anyone wants to do can break off into their own project.

Author:  grimsk8ter11 [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

GIAKEN wrote:
But it's DFA's project he can decide what he wants to do with it and whatever anyone wants to do can break off into their own project.

I do recall reading the forums since MSE4 started and it continually being stated as a community project. Which would more assumable have been commandeered by DFA?

Author:  GIAKEN [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

It's considered a community project because of the tutorials and such from the community that have been added or other people putting in their code...the project "MS4" is owned by DFA, but that doesn't mean you can't make your own project off of it because it's public domain...it just means that he's the main guy and anybody who wants to do their own thing has to break off.

Author:  grimsk8ter11 [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

Wouldn't that be more decided by William. As MS4 is not under other ms products, but under the community itself.


Public domain means he doesn't own it either.

So if people taking over isn't your thing, you don't go into public domain. If being a "glory figure" is your thing. Don't start a project and let people know, or think even, they can help. It doesn't matter whose it is, the names of people who worked on it are there, and at least here credit is given where due.

Simple as that :D

Author:  Cruzn [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

DFA is, technically speaking, the head of the MS4 project within these forums. He may not own MS4 itself, but it is up to him as to where the development of MS4 goes and how it gets there. . . He started project and until he decides to step down, he should be regarded as the leader.

Author:  Jacob [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

Like it's been said, there's nothing stopping people from starting their own versions.

Author:  Lea [ Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics


Work on the subversion, the truely public version, or work on someone else's pet project - I don't care.

Give me a gtalk and I'll show you how to use it, if you want to work on something, do it and post a patch. We'll look at the patch, if we stay in regular communication it should be no issue to give anyone commit permission.

The essence of version control:
If you fuck up the source
We can step back and fix it in one simple command :D

Author:  GIAKEN [ Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

Lea wrote:

Work on the subversion, the truely public version, or work on someone else's pet project - I don't care.

Give me a gtalk and I'll show you how to use it, if you want to work on something, do it and post a patch. We'll look at the patch, if we stay in regular communication it should be no issue to give anyone commit permission.

The essence of version control:
If you fuck up the source
We can step back and fix it in one simple command :D

So you're saying your version is the truly public version and DFA's is the pet project? Dude you make no sense...

Author:  Lea [ Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

anyone can contribute to the svn project :)

Author:  grimsk8ter11 [ Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

GIAKEN wrote:
Lea wrote:

Work on the subversion, the truely public version, or work on someone else's pet project - I don't care.

Give me a gtalk and I'll show you how to use it, if you want to work on something, do it and post a patch. We'll look at the patch, if we stay in regular communication it should be no issue to give anyone commit permission.

The essence of version control:
If you fuck up the source
We can step back and fix it in one simple command :D

So you're saying your version is the truly public version and DFA's is the pet project? Dude you make no sense...

No she's just saying if DFA was next to you naked, and you were naked, you'd take it up the butt from him.

But in all honesty. It doesn't matter. It's "no ones" project. It's public domain. He started it, but allowing others to edit it, and making it public, makes it everyone's.

That's that.

Author:  William [ Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

GIAKEN wrote:
But it's DFA's project he can decide what he wants to do with it and whatever anyone wants to do can break off into their own project.

This is a community project, anybody who qualifies to do any hard work on it can do so. Everybody can come with ideas and and what not. I would never allow a project of a official MS version to be developed by a person so he can call it his own. Unless it is a port of some sort, or else there would be all kinds of people wanting their sources on the forum. So this is a official community project. But DFA and those who work on it can take full credit for their hard work and they deserve the credit.

But regarding what should be added to it shouldn't be too hard to decide. It's pretty easy to eliminate bad ideas vs good ideas.

Author:  Robin [ Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

DFA wrote:
I have years of computer science study and programming, and if you aren't robin then you have no where near the amount of experience with Mirage based engines.

Awww, I feel all warm and fuzzy now.

Author:  Lea [ Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

then use the svn command line client. You're old as hell, so command line should be familiar territory. :P

You're not the only one with years of computer science and programming study, btw.

The forum leaders have agreed to allow me to do the official MS4

But how much does it really mean when William is the forum leader? He don't know shit.

If you want to keep it
DFA wrote:
for the community from me.

Do so, there is no reason for you to have to help on the svn project, nor is there a reason why we should care that you don't.

If you guys really wanna take over, I can just bail out and Dugor or whoever can do it.

We're not taking over anything. That's the pure essence of open source that you're bitching about now, after you whined and whined so much to decide you wanted it.

Author:  William [ Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

You should not make it svn. That would just mess things up. If someone like to help out, they can either to talk the persons currently working on it or they can submit code samples and tutorials that can be added. SVN can though be used for those currently developing it. But I don't see a point to let everybody be able to access it.

Author:  GIAKEN [ Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

William wrote:
You should not make it svn. That would just mess things up. If someone like to help out, they can either to talk the persons currently working on it or they can submit code samples and tutorials that can be added. SVN can though be used for those currently developing it. But I don't see a point to let everybody be able to access it.

He didn't say he'd let everybody able to access it...

Author:  grimsk8ter11 [ Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Displaying Graphics

DFA wrote:
I have years of computer science study and programming, and if you aren't robin then you have no where near the amount of experience with Mirage based engines. Not to sound full on myself but its true.

uhmmm my minor is computer sciences, my major is computer and electrical engineering.

I've been taking computer science classes for 5 years, and programming for seven.

Let's not go into official certifications either. Or you'll be pleasantly let down about yourself.

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